A consumption boom, financed by cheap mortgages and credit card loans, powered inflation at almost twice the rate in Italy, Spain, Ireland, Greece and Portugal from 2000 to 2007 as in Germany, 3.2% compared to 1.7%. 廉价按揭和信用卡贷款推动的消费繁荣导致2000-2007年意大利、西班牙、爱尔兰、希腊和葡萄牙的通货膨胀率(3.2%)几乎达到了德国(1.7%)的两倍。
The deceleration has been gradual and largely the result of measures to rein in credit and cool surging inflation. 迄今中国经济的减速是和缓的,而且在很大程度上是旨在遏制信贷、抑制通胀飙升的各种措施的结果。
Part of the problem is that the real cost of credit in China, after factoring in inflation, remains persistently high despite the recent easing measures. 问题的部分原因是,中国的实际信贷成本,在扣除通胀等因素外,仍持续偏高,尽管有近期的宽松措施。
Policymakers have to judge the extent to which they can risk easing interest rates to offset the impact of the credit squeeze on growth when inflation is still high. 决策者必须判断,他们能够承受多大幅度的降息,才能在通胀仍居高不下的情况下,抵消信贷危机对经济增长的影响。
The central bank said the move is aimed to "control money supply and credit, and stabilize inflation expectations". 据央行介绍,这一举措主要是为了调控货币供给和信贷投放及稳定通胀预期。
'The credit crisis and inflation from surging oil and commodities prices have seriously hurt consumer confidence.' 信贷危机以及因石油等大宗商品价格飙升而导致的通货膨胀已经严重削弱了消费者信心。
Concerned that a huge expansion of bank credit would trigger bubbles and generalized inflation, China put the brakes on. 考虑到信贷业务的激增会引发泡沫经济和全方位的通货膨胀,中国放慢其发展的脚步。
The central bank wants to slow the expansion of money and credit in the economy, fearing that inflation and asset bubbles could lead to social unrest. 中国央行希望放慢本国经济中货币和信贷的扩张,因为担心通胀和资产泡沫可能会导致社会动荡。
In advanced economies, import prices of Chinese goods would rise, complicating the lives of central bankers grappling with the credit squeeze as higher inflation would make it harder to justify interest rate cuts. 在发达经济体,如果中国产品的进口价格上升,将使正在应付信贷紧缩难题的央行行长们面临更为复杂的任务,因为通胀加剧可能使降息的理由更难以站住脚。
It raises the risks of the overspending, excessive credit and inflation that have spurred past emerging-market crises. 这大大增加了过度消费、过度借贷和通货膨胀危机发生的可能性,而这些都是新兴市场国家曾经爆发危机的原因。
The downside risk was that a sharp slowdown in the economy, associated with weak real income growth and the tightening in the supply of credit, pulled inflation materially below the target. 下跌的风险是,急剧放缓的经济,与薄弱的实际收入增长和紧缩的信贷供给,退出重大低于通货膨胀率的目标。
In the developing world, most notably in China, QE2 helped generate a credit bubble, with higher inflation forcing a sharp tightening of policy and an eventual slowdown in growth. 在发展中世界(尤其是在中国),qe2帮助催生了信贷泡沫,而通胀上升又迫使政策大幅收紧,最终导致增长放缓。
The authorities have restricted new credit in part to stifle inflation but they have also introduced measures deliberately aimed at limiting property speculation and squeezing out small, poorly capitalised developers. 中国官方限制新增信贷的部分原因是为了抑制通胀,但他们也有意采取了一些措施,旨在限制炒房,并将规模较小、资金匮乏的开发商挤出市场。
On the credit side, inflation has not risen this year. 从好的方面来看,今年的通货膨胀率没有上升。
The policy goal should be to contain inflation expectation first and, through a tightening bias in credit policy, to guide inflation down gradually over the next three years. 政府的政策目标应该是,首先通过信贷紧缩限制住通胀预期,然后在未来三年内引导通胀率逐渐下降。
That's as the top policymakers will be under increasing pressure to control overall credit growth to tame rising inflation and asset bubbles. 这是做为最高决策者将要面临在整体控制信贷增长以缓解通货膨胀的增长和资产泡沫的压力下而执行。
During the 1970s, credit expansion was too rapid, and mounting inflation hurt the economy. 70年代信贷业发展太快,通货膨胀使经济受到损失。
China drained a record amount of cash from its banking system this week, counteracting an explosion in credit growth that had stoked concerns about inflation. 中国本周从银行体系抽走创纪录数量的现金,以反制已引发通胀担忧的信贷爆炸式增长。
That may be appropriate where demand is weak but in rapidly growing economies, such as Argentina, India, Vietnam and Hong Kong, negative real rates are fuelling faster credit growth and inflation. 在需求疲软的国家这或许是合适的,但是在像阿根廷、印度、越南和香港这样快速增长的经济体中,负的实际率无异于过快的信贷增长和通货膨胀火上浇油。
The moves initially came in response to news that Chinese authorities had instructed some leading banks to stop lending for the rest of the month in a bid to curb the availability of credit and head off inflation. 该消息称,中国有关部门已指示一些主要银行在本月剩余时间里停止放贷,以遏制信贷增长、防止通货膨胀。
One instrument they have used has been sterilisation of the monetary consequences of reserve accumulations, to prevent the normal expansion of money and credit, overheating, inflation and so loss of external competitiveness. 这些国家采用的手段就是“冲销”外汇储备累积对本国货币供应的影响,以防货币和信贷的正常扩张、经济过热、通胀以及外部竞争力丧失。
Credit subsidies contributed to inflation and helped destabilize the overall economy. 信贷补贴带来了通货膨胀,并且使整个经济出现动荡。
By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce years of inflation with rising prices and general. 通过鼓励政府铺张浪费毁坏其信用,造成物价上涨,通货膨胀和普遍的不满。
The overall economic result was a classic bubble, as surging credit fuelled a sharp rise in inflation and a real estate boom. 随着信贷激增导致通胀飙升和催生房地产热潮,中国整体经济表现就是一个典型的泡沫。
Credit squeeze ( government policy of controlling inflation by making it difficult to borrow money, eg by raising interest rates) 信用紧缩(政府为控制通货膨胀而采取的措施,如藉提高利率以增加借款之困难)。
In the first half of 2007, the central bank raised interest rates on concerns that credit boom was feeling fueling inflation. 在2007年上半年,中央银行担心信贷暴涨导致通货膨胀而提高了利率。
Domestic credit and inflation increased significantly. 国内信贷和通货膨胀大幅度增加。
The large amount capital inflow can cause the currency and the credit expansion, the inflation pressure, exchange rate appreciation as well as worsen the international payment balance account; Asymmetry of Information, Adverse Selection and Economic Development 从宏观经济角度来看,巨额的外资流入会引起货币和信用的扩张,通货膨胀压力增加,实际汇率升值以及国际收支中经常账户的恶化;豪斯克-麦奇不对称效应与经常账户失衡的结构性成因
As a result of information governing, both credit inflation and deflation exist and lower the market efficiency. 认为现阶段信息约束导致了我国信贷市场局部信用膨胀和局部信用紧缩同时并存的局面,严重制约了我国信贷效率。
The risks and losing of the bank are caused by the credit inflation and the bubble shows occasionally, all kinds of non-sensible competition behavior occurs repeatedly, bill crook activities played booty inside and outside by criminals. 信用膨胀和泡沫时有显现,各种非理性竞争行为屡禁不止,犯罪分子内外勾结从事票据诈骗活动,给银行造成风险和损失。